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PDAC: Stories of Indigenous reconciliation and mining in Sudbury

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The event, attended by Indigenous organizations, mining company representatives, government officials and community leaders, emphasized the importance of building bridges between Indigenous communities and the mining sector.
“Partnerships between mining companies and First Nations demonstrate how we can work together to achieve shared objectives for the benefit of our communities. They set the stage for new opportunities and innovation, ensuring sustainability and stability in our mining sector,” Greater Sudbury Mayor Paul Lefebvre said in a media statement.
“The City of Greater Sudbury values these relationships and will continue to work with First Nation leaders to continue the progress toward reconciliation and to support shared community goals for the economic vitality of the community.”
The luncheon included narratives from the leaders of Aki-eh Dibinwewziwin (ADLP), an Indigenous-owned partnership between Atikameksheng Anishnawbek, Wahnapitae First Nation and Technica Mining that promotes sustainable mining practices while respecting Indigenous rights and traditions.
“Developing partnerships like ADLP ensures our traditions and culture are incorporated into our economic development values,” said Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Gimaa Craig Nootchtai.
“We continually seek sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions to meet the current and future needs of the mining industry, as the partnerships we establish today will continue to benefit our people for generations to come.”

This article was published by: Amanda Stutt

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